
Private Medical Insurance

Dr Hickman is recognised by all leading UK private medical Insurers. These include, BUPA, AXA PPP, AVIVA and Standard Life.

If you need Dr Hickman's provider number to ensure recognition with your insurance company please contact us.

Different medical insurance companies and different medical insurance policies offer varying levels of insurance cover for consultations, investigations and treatments.


A full list of current charges and a guide to consultation fees are available from Dr Hickman's secretary. It is our standard practice to bill the patient's medical insurance company directly. Not all insurance companies/policies cover all fees due, in these circumstances any remaining fees due will be billed directly to the patient. It is the responsibility of the patient to supply a preauthorisation number from their insurance company or pay on the day of their procedure, consultation or investigation.

Final payment of all bills must be settled within 30 days of invoicing.


Due to high demand and the cost of consultation and cardiac investigations we request that at least 24 hours notice is given to reschedule appointments. Where patients fail to attend appointments without reason or sufficient notice we reserve the right to apply a cancellation fee.

  • Consultation: 50% of the Consultation fee
  • Investigations: £50 per test